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649 North Van Dyke Rd

Imlay City, MI 48444

Office Hours

9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Friday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

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Jonathan Tate

Vice President of Sales

My father taught me that in order for one person to be of any help to others he must be both able and willing. My career and this agency are based on that foundation.

I have wanted to help for as long as I can remember. Whether it was delivering newspapers as a boy or working as a nurse assistant through school, I was satisfied knowing I was making a difference in someone’s day – no matter how small. After beginning at University of Kentucky and graduating with honors from Ohio University in Athens, I spent nearly 9 years trying to help as a nursing home administrator.

During my time in nursing home administration, I learned first-hand the importance of planning and watched helplessly as financial hardship overtook families. This became more frustrating as I learned how the most basic of planning could have helped prevent much of the turmoil. In most cases, the lesson was learned too late. Worse yet, I saw patients forgo care due to the dread of cost. I learned that improper planning often affects physical health as well as financial health. And often people with the best of intentions still found themselves unprepared.

Planning for any unknown is an intimidating task. The amount of information available is overwhelming, and any cursory search will quickly find you countless agents and organizations who are willing to help. But how can you tell if they are able? Helping others through this process lead me to become an insurance professional myself.

In 2006, I began my career as an insurance agent. Since that time, my wife and I have been blessed with 2 children. As Vice President of Sales I monitor the Medicare and health insurance markets nationwide so that we are able to provide you with solutions that will be as strong tomorrow as they are today. I also provide our agent partners and staff with the necessary tools and training so they are able to develop plans able to fit your personal situation. You can be confident the Venture Insurance Group Group is both able and willing to serve your Medicare and health insurance needs.


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